Miles Away for Some Days

Aisha Arif
1 min readJul 10, 2023
The photo from Pinterest -

That's not good for me and you to stay apart
Although we're under the same sky and star

Some miles away for some days
But this moonlight we share can't help the way

It's not fair that our eyes can't meet
Even the breath we take can't be feel

How much you worth for me
Is like beauty of moon with sea

I'm calm in the eyes of peeps
But the pain inside is infinite
As stars beyond the cosmos of galaxy

Your feet can't be touched
Is the hardest feel
Inspite of the fact that it for some days and nights

I'm so strong, I'm so brave
But why can't it happen when it comes to your bay
Where I can enjoy the peaceful place

Tranquil river with light breeze on face
You and me is inseparable like moon and sun rays

Your memories hits me hard
Your voice makes me shiver
Like a thunder in the rain

It's not good to be away
But for a time suffering the seconds while counting the days



Aisha Arif

Assisting several SMEs in their startups as a Freelance Content Writer | Virtual Assistant & Project Manager. Plus, loves to write stories.