Rich Dad 3 Amazing Advice For Entrepreneurs — Robert Kiyosaki

Real Sucess — Raise your own empire and work hard for your own matter.

Aisha Arif
4 min readDec 7, 2021
Robert Kiyosaki — Mostly Known For His Words

Credibly, there’s no need of reciting Robert Kiyosaki’s story. But those who don’t know about this crackerjack personality and the facts of his success can join us. And grow a successful entrepreneur by distinguishing him and his mind-blasting information.

Well, who is he? Robert Kiyosaki is an entrepreneur, investor, motivational speaker, author and financial knowledge activist. Furthermore, He is the founder of Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Company who is mostly known for his series of books named “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.

Hit the link if you want to read Rich Dad Poor Dad

A book in which he illustrates the real essence of being poor and rich. Also, I must say read it before you cross the ages of your time. As it’ll teach you how to reach real success and prevent problems of nutshell society.

Coming back to the point, why Kiyosaki’s tips are the most important for the successful entrepreneur (s). Because he’s the one who has been teaching millions of people about how to grow stronger in terms of money or wealth from scratch.

4 Shooting Tips For Successful Entrepreneur

1. Concentrate on Growth

It’s the main issue that everybody is busy in wondering how to save more money for a better or bright future ahead. But they’re lacking here as they’re just trying to save for survival and ignoring how to make more money for the survival of the fittest.

While saving money is not bad but just focus on you’re running on a treadmill type thing — Work, Earn, Survive & save. And this is what happens each month. Excitingly, most of all also let their children used to of it. And in that everyone lost their capacity of learning new.

While wealthy people don’t save their money in fact they invest it in the right place. A smile formula that multiplies the worth of money instead of being depreciated.

We all know that saving money is easier than working hard for more. And the flaw is here that many people are now addicted to following smooth journey’s rather than a risky one. And keep in mind;

“Wounds Make Soldiers Stronger”

Instead of cutting off your dreams try to think of multiplying your worth to live your dream freely. As in the era of technology, opportunities are everywhere but it’s required you to see. Give yourself a try no matter how many times but remember you can do whatever you want — a pure recipe for a successful entrepreneur.

2. Work To Earn Knowledge Not Money

If you’re the person who thinks that I’ll pursue a certain degree as of field has high paying jobs or something like that. Remember, neither you’ll earn nor you’ll learn.

The reason is you’re absorbing the limited knowledge which is required to get the position. But once you learn things with interest will always pinch to absorb more and more. That will ultimately make you the giant and nobody will exist to beat you. Because you own the treasure of knowledge.

“Knowledge Is The Key Of True Success”

Furthermore, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur then you must have unlimited knowledge of your field. As it’ll make you more powerful to compete in the market and shine brighter than others.

3. Chase 1 Direction Till Sucess

Robert Kiyosaki invariably states that follow one course until success.

The reason for mentioning the statement every time is to make younger people sure about doing one thing at one time. Because it’ll make them consistent and will also polish their area of expertise when they follow one course. I’ll be summarizing the whole story of this statement in the subsequent line:

In order to be successful or a leader in the game, one has to practise until the goal is achieved.

And when Kiyosaki started investing, made several mistakes but never gave up. He did it over and over again until he came to recognise the fundamentals and won.

Photo By Prime Venture Solution From Facebook

In The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, as being an entrepreneur an individual should come out of the shell to face the reality of life. And see the world from his/her eyes, not from the others as it’ll always scare you to stop. While Robert Kiyosaki has also been through many hurdles in his life then came to reach success. But the thing is he was never ever afraid of anything. And keep it in your mind that the real Alexander is the one who follows their own path.

In addition, if you want to do something in your life or want to be a successful entrepreneur

Follow your own way

Never give birth to fear

Fight difficulties

And never give up.

For more updates visit Aisha Arif or contact for any query or details. And one last thing, I’ll highly recommend you, people, to read more books about him as he has written several masterpieces.



Aisha Arif

Assisting several SMEs in their startups as a Freelance Content Writer | Virtual Assistant & Project Manager. Plus, loves to write stories.