Waves — Turn of the tide

Aisha Arif
2 min readJul 5, 2023
The Photo from Istock

Once I desired to swim in waves

Heavy, thick and thunderous on stage

I started to be an expert in surf skates

Sometimes I drown and sometimes I survive

People with me embarked to laugh at my fight

Why do I care, I always taught in that way

The peers who left are the jellyfish for their time

Then why do they constantly excuse them from the hard flow line

But the ones who are with me like a blue whale for their future stamp

Are the champions to cheer for their win-win lays ahead

So I decided to surf tough to achieve what I want

Then heavy waves with high tides become my favourite place to spend

Scratches and scars are the reason for my boom

Yes, I learn from the hardships that I face alone

Gain my confidence to roll with the strongest thunder to bloom

Dense outbreaks are no fear for me

Just try to meet them like a pro in the sea

Formerly you acquire the skill

No one is born to stop you from tasting your dream

Listen to yourself, struggle the hard, watch your way only

It will make you dive into your vision to reach the density of the sea

Be the surfer who can amuse the art of brawl

Enjoy the taste of success, and satisfy your aim for the highest

Change your delusion, be the killer whale to rule

Just like a Surfer who is always ready to surf, no matter what the condition is!



Aisha Arif

Assisting several SMEs in their startups as a Freelance Content Writer | Virtual Assistant & Project Manager. Plus, loves to write stories.